Tomorrow’s success secured today

CyXcel is a different breed – purpose-built to solve challenges and capture opportunities for everyone living and working in the digital world. We seamlessly integrate top-tier consulting, legal advisory, and cybersecurity expertise with crisis management and geopolitical foresight. All-in-one.

We bring your digital ambitions to life and take away the problems, allowing you to be successful with a confident focus on what matters most. Precision, protection, peace of mind.


Durable change

The world is hooked on rapidly evolving technologies, software, and industrial controls that become more sophisticated and connected every year. Businesses must fundamentally rethink their digital and cybersecurity strategies to keep pace and stay in the game. Traditional, reactive approaches are out of date and no longer enough.

Technological supply chains and integrations cut across not just corporate silos but also national boundaries. Using data safely and responsibly to increase revenue separates growing businesses from struggling ones. Regulatory scrutiny is expanding beyond minimum compliance to include personal liability.

Emerging technologies, such as AI, promise quick gains in productivity, efficiency, and innovation. However, durable success requires proactively mitigating the new risks and security vulnerabilities these technologies introduce.

CyXcel’s Transform service brings together all our cutting-edge expertise to design and implement the best digital and cybersecurity strategies for your business to achieve resilience and sustained success. Every strategy we develop delivers a lasting data and cybersecurity posture built around the needs of your people and those you serve.

Enable your brightest digital future with CyXcel.


The Calm in Crisis

In a world where threats are constantly evolving, hackers frequently exploit vulnerabilities in technology and user behaviour to breach networks and steal valuable data from public and private entities.

Each year hundreds of organizations trust us to navigate them through crises, from network outages and ransomware to DDoS and state-sponsored intrusions.

CyXcel’s global Rescue service offers rapid technical support, targeted legal advice, and expert cyber incident management 24/7/365. We minimize service disruption, loss severity, and brand damage.

We guide you every step of the way: from the initial breach, containment, and threat actor engagement to stakeholder communication, regulatory reporting, systems remediation, and post-incident litigation.

When you’re under attack, CyXcel is your only call.


You Evolve, We Resolve

Business growth requires expanding market reach, driving digital innovation and boosting reputational strength.

Such an evolution is not easy. Technological disruption far outpaces legal, legislative and regulatory clarity. Geopolitical rifts are reshaping global supply chains of IT hardware, software, services and talent. Consumers and investors expect strong corporate governance, ethical practices and sustainable returns. And the global marketplace is simultaneously hyper-connected and hyper-localised.

By leveraging our multidomain consulting and advisory expertise in technology, privacy, law and geopolitics, CyXcel’s Resolve service provides skilled representation, corporate diligence and intelligence, and expert problem-solving.

Always at your side, we inform your decisions about where and how to conduct your business safely, responsibly, and successfully, while also protecting your assets and reputation.

You choose the destination, trust CyXcel to get you there.


We are hiring. Please see links below for open roles:

Technical Lead-Digital Forensic and Incident Response (DFIR) – USA

If you are interested in applying, please send your CV to

Contact Us

Rescue Helpline 24/7/365: +44 (0)330 057 0662

Rescue Email:

The Hallmark Building
105 Fenchurch Street
London, EC3M 5JG
+44 (0)345 073 9900

North America HQ:
615 Colonial Park Drive
Suite 104
Roswell, Georgia 30075